

Ingredients: (SERVES 6)

300g Baby Carrots 

1x Red Onion

50g Hazelnuts

2 Bay Leaves

8 Sage Leaves

1 tbsp Caraway Seeds

2 tbsp Honey

5og Butter

50ml Olive Oil




STEP 1: Pre-heat the oven to 180°C and get a pan of salted boiling water on the go. Top (this just means just take the top off the carrots) and wash the carrots and add them to the boiling water. Par-boil for 6-8 minutes until they only just begin to soften. Drain and add to a baking dish.​

STEP 2: To the baking dish add in the red onion. I like to cut the red onion into 1/8 - cut in half and then half again so you have it in 1/4, then halve the 1/4. I find this allows the onion to still retain texture after roasting while picking up a lovely caramelised texture. Along with the red onion add in the bay leaves, Caraway seeds, butter, olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place into the oven a roast for 15 minutes.

STEP 3: Remove from the oven and add the remaining ingredients - The hazelnuts, sage leaves and honey. Return to the oven and continue to cook for 30 minutes, occasionally giving the dish a shake and mix around. After 30 minutes the everything should be nicely caramelised by the honey, the onion should be soft but not burnt and the hazelnuts nicely toasted and golden.